Inventory Control

Vin Decoding

Reconditioning Management

Kelly's and Nada Value Guides

Website Integration, 
Automatically deletes and adds to website.

15 different ways to Search/Find Inventory (Stkno, Vin(6), License, Yr, Make, Model
Color, ACV, Aging, Recon Invoice) etc.

Pack and Adjustments.

Aging and Source control reporting.

Laser generated Forms.

Window Stickers
full color.

Many reports with multiple sort's and filters.

Analytical analysis performance reporting

Exporting Formats Comma Delimited and Fixed Length.

Transports Include  FTP and or Full Web Services.

Numeric Stock numbering control system.

Custom "Plug in" applications allowed.
Unlimited Locations

Text messaging alarms for flagged Inventory

Many More Features.

Desking & F&I Tools

Fastest deal maker on planet earth.

Multiple deals on single auto.

Full Roll features and F&I tools.

Swap Auto's back and forth on any given deal structure.

Credit bureaus access (Trans Union, Equifax, Experian) built in.

Vin Checking
Kelley's Blue Book and JD Powers (Nada) guides built in. re-book and book trades.

Reprint books sheets and loan to book percentage value calculator.

Default setups for pre-loading deals with warranties, gap etc.

Huge laser printed forms library (many free forms included)
Includes laser secured document printing. 

Signature Pad allows electronic capture of signature.

Email's electronically signed documents to consumer.

Storage copies of digital documents (with signatures) 

Email and texting completely integrated.

Automatically removes sold deals from website.

Pending sale flag available for website integration.

Extensive customer information capture for BHPH dealerships.

Full integration with CRM Module both before and after sale contact.

Multiple commission (10 total) with and or percentages and flat fees.

Bird dog commission.

Pending deal reports. i.e. contracts in transit, pending finance, etc.

Load's of other features.

BhPh & Short Term A/R

EFT/CC payment processing 

Regulation amortization 360 rules.
Weekly, B-Weekly Monthly schedules.

Unlimited notes.

IRS -Compliant loan discount income calculations.

Statements via Email, Snail mail and SMS text message

Multiple additional pickup payments
Credit reporting.

Onscreen payoff balances and future date payoff's.

Multiple default correspondence letters.

30 different payment and payment unwind methods.

On screen risk analysis for both dollars and term
Many reports included.

Cross linked to original deal structure plus other aspects of originating sales data.

Late payment notification via Email, Snail Mail and SMS text messaging.

Set alarms and various flags for certain accounts.
Handles multiple loan portfolio's (will isolate venture capital loans "unlimited").


This workbench is for Dealer to Dealer sales and Dealer to Auction Sales.

Unlimited wholesale pending deals simultaneously

Packaging Multiple Autos in one sale

Performance Statistic  on wholesale buyers
and wholesale sellers   
Tons of laser forms.

Export / Import Deal Structures via FTP & Web services (API)