Recall sold retail / wholesale deals in the blink of the eye.
Many find methods including last name, co-buyer last name, stock number, last 6 of vin, yr make, date sold (with range), ssn numbers, dob, license plate, temp
registration number and other general browse features.
Search also incorporates phonetic name searching (sounds like).
After sale reconditioning allowed with very cool charge back feature for commissioned
sales people.
Unwind tool for easy unwinds and redo's
100% of all information is preserved forever.
After sale title management tracking title transfers and statuses.
Unlimited notes area
Integrated with most other modules for easy access to past history
All reports are date specific for any period of time between
two dates and are onscreen, printed and or emailed as excel file.
Manages both pre-sale customer and after-sale customers.
Email and text messaging.
Global staff notifications on customers that need to be contacted
Auto generated birthday reminders,
end of finance term, end of service contract.
Remembered default notes for easy quick / flash emails.
Laser printed test drive permit.
Quick merge with inventory information for test drive.
Integrated with retail pending deals that allows you to send and create a pending deal quickly from CRM module (From test drive to deal making very fast).
Great customer source informational reporting.
Allows attachment of Jpeg image to emails (great for specials, tent sales etc).
Many other features.
DealerDMS uses very rich report methodologies.
Report are to screen, Printer and MS Excel format files. Files are emailed to a default email address.
DealerDMS exports and imports data.
Exporting data to 3rd party vendors are typically in a comma delimited format and sent via ftp.
Importing data into DealerDMS is also supported. With several integrator's that push both inventory and sales lead data into DealerDMS platform.
Updating your website is made easy and can be setup hourly or daily depending on your website company policies.
DealerDMS has many third party vendors that both integrate in real-time (on-demand).
Cudl and RouteOne are a prime example of on-demand data exchange, aiding deal making process to move along faster.
Check out some of our Integrator's above.
We are constantly adding more features and services on a daily basis.
DealerDMS also offers Full Secured Web Services (API)